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懸濁トランスフェクションCHO細胞の異なるポンプにおける機械的ストレス分析 (磁気浮上ポンプ対ペリスタポンプ)

  • バイオプロセシング
  • 細胞生存率
  • ペリスタポンプ
  • ポンプ比較
  • せん断応力
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In comparison to a Levitronix® pump, peristaltic pumps generate flow through tube compression along a pump casing. Tube compression can generate shear stress, which results in reduced cell viability.

Test conditions
One Levitronix® and two peristaltic pumps’ shear stress generation were compared by observing their effect on respective cell viabilities. 3.4 liters of CHO cells were introduced and pumped in three identical closed-loop configurations. The flow rate of each pump was set to 3.4 lpm and different backpressures for a period of over 400 minutes. The cell viability was measured at selected times and compared.

The cell viability with the Levitronix® pump system was consistently above 95%. The peristaltic pumps reached cell viabilities of 70% and 28%, respectively. Similar results have been recorded at four different pressure levels up to 0.5 bar.


Time dependent viability of the cell suspension pumped with 3.4Lmin without back pressure


Author Stephan Kaiser, Dieter Eibl
Company ZHAW
Document Number -
Pages 32