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Comparison of Particle Shedding from Ten Different Pumps in Water

  • マイクロエレクトロニクス
  • 粒子の脱落
  • 空気圧ポンプ
  • ポンプ比較
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Friction due to mechanical contact of moving parts such as check valves, bellows, or diaphragms leads to wear. Wear can result in particle shedding, which causes wafer defectivity.

Test Conditions
Ten pumps from four different manufacturers were evaluated for particle shedding in ultrapure water during operation at multiple test conditions. The test conditions were chosen such that all pumps in the group could be compared under typical operating conditions.

The Levitronix® pumps consistently shed the fewest particles of all evaluated pumps, regardless of pump operating conditions. In all tests, the particle concentrations measured downstream of the Levitronix® pumps were very close to the concentrations measured without a test pump in the system.

5 gpmおよび40 psigで大型ポンプシステムの下流で測定された粒子サイズ分布

Author Marc Litchy
Company CT Associates
Document Number LTX 1106 2034.1
Pages 15