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An Evaluation of Particle Shedding from a New Levitronix® BPS-3 Pump During the Initial Flush with Ultrapure Water

  • ポンプ
  • フラッシング
  • マイクロエレクトロニクス
  • 粒子の脱落
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The flush of a new pump system leads to a clean-up of initial particle contamination. The clean-up quality of a pump system is characterized by the flush-up volume needed to reduce the particle levels.

Test Conditions
A Levitronix® BPS-3 pump was evaluated for particle shedding during the initial flush. The pump was connected to a source of UPW and flushed for 48 hours. The particle concentration downstream of the pump was measured.

After being flushed with 420 liters of water, the pump was adding less than 0.1 particle/ml. The clean-up quality of this pump was excellent.


Author Dennis Chilcote
Company CT Associates
Document Number PP 577 0487
Pages 3